Wenn Sie in der Wissensdatenbank keine Antwort auf Ihr Problem finden können, schicken Sie uns bitte ein Supportticket an die entsprechende Abteilung.

 (L2) Help Desk

Managed VPS, Server Cluster, PHP Help, API/App Endpoints, etc.

 (DNS) Domains

Help for your Domains - DNS, Nameservers, CoR, glue, etc.

 (Radio) Broadcast

Need help with Icecast/SHOUTcast Internet Radio Hosting?

 (Billing) Accounts

Quote requests, Invoice queries, Authorisations, etc.

 (Sales) Solutions

Talk with our Linux Solutions experts for Sales Proposals, etc.

 Customer Care

Complaints, praise or feedback? Let's talk - we love to help.

 Abuse Reports

Spam/Misuse/IP/etc - You must include evidence/logs!